Total Solar Eclipse on April 8: What It Is and Where People Can See It From

Total Solar Eclipse
by Marielbis Rojas


If you missed the annular solar eclipse that created a “ring of fire” over America last October, don’t worry, because this April 8 an incredible total solar eclipse will be crossing the skies.

North American observers will enjoy the incredible phenomenon that will pass through Mexico, the United States and Canada.

The path of the eclipse begins  in the Mexican city of Mazatlán, in the state of Sinaloa, and continues through Torreón, in the state of Coahuila, until reaching the United States.

It will then enter Canada through southern Ontario and continue through Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton.

Eclipse fans are already reserving the best places to follow the phenomenon’s path.

In the United States, experts advise not to miss it, since a total solar eclipse will not be seen again in that country until August 2044.

What is a total solar eclipse?

This phenomenon occurs when the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, completely blocking sunlight. Its main manifestation is the projection of a shadow on the earth’s surface.

Those in places where the Moon’s shadow completely covers the Sun will see a stunning total solar eclipse, but those off the path will see a partial solar eclipse, in which the Moon only blocks part of the face. of the sun.

The last time Earth experienced something like this was in 2017. However, this new eclipse coincides with solar maximum, the time of the Sun’s most activity, so the corona of light is expected to be much larger on this occasion.

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Marielbis Rojas is a Venezuelan journalist and communication professional, with a degree in Social Communication from UCAB. She is a news reporter for ADN América.







Reprinted with permission from ADN America.

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One Thought to “Total Solar Eclipse on April 8: What It Is and Where People Can See It From”

  1. Rocky

    Did not the Mayan “end of the World” Calendar predict this, Eclipse?
    Is this prelude to the End of the World?
    What say hockey stick scientists?
